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- unit Comments;
- (*
- This software is Freeware. Created by Theodore Kahn (tedkahn@interramp.com),
- June 1996 for a talk presented at the North Bay Delphi Sig. (That's north of
- San Francisco.) Comments welcome. Enjoy!
- ================================================================================
- The only purpose of this unit is store comments. It contains no code.
- ================================================================================
- ================================================================================
- The TStringList component is extremely useful in many situations. First, it
- encapsulates a double-linked list of strings and adds a variety of methods for
- manipulating those strings. For example, sorting, insert and delete. This
- alone is of value. But, TStringList also provides for the association of an
- object with each string in the list. The object cannot only contain data, but
- can also include methods to operate on that data. In fact, TStringList is used
- in almost every VCL component. (NOTE: In C++ and VB this functionality can be
- found in Collections.)
- This application demonstrates several of these features. It also shows how to
- trap events that occur within the object from your program. Finally, the program
- makes extensive use of typecasting.
- The purpose of the object (TMyObjectClass) is to store a list of numbers
- (contained in a TMemo) from which a mean can be calculated. Further, every time
- the text in the memo changes, the mean is recalculated.
- The object contains 1) a TMemo, 2) an event that gets fired when the memo
- changes, 3) a field to store the mean, 4) a field to indicate if the mean needs
- to be recalculated, 5) a read only property to access the mean, and 6) a
- method to calculate the mean.
- ================================================================================
- "Add New Object to StringList" button
- --------------------------------------
- When this button is clicked, it 1) creates a new instance of TMyObjectClass,
- MyObject, 2) adds an item to the object`MyStringList, and 3) adds an item to
- the listbox lstObjectString.
- The item to MyStringList consists of the text of the textbox edtString and the
- object MyObject. The item to lstObjectString is the same text as added to
- MyStringList. lstObjectString allows us to access the various objects.
- "Delete Object" button
- ------------------------
- When this button is clicked, it 1) removes the association of the object to the
- MyStringList, 2) destroys the object, that is, frees its memory, and 3)
- removes the item from the lstObjectString.
- "Calc" button
- -------------
- This button illustrates the fact that because the method CalcMean is public, it
- can be accessed independent of the data in the object. In fact, that's why
- CalcMean was made a separate function from GetMean. In this case, it calculates
- the mean of the contents of memo1.
- ================================================================================
- When the text in the memo field changes, the following events occur in the order
- shown:
- 1) Memo.OnChange event is fired, which has been equated to...
- 2) TMyObject.MyChange method which is executed causing...
- 3) TMyObject.OnDataChange event to be fired, which has been equated to...
- 4) TfrmMain.OnDataChange method which is executed, and contains code that...
- 5) Retrieves the value of the Mean property, which...
- 6) Causes the TMyObject.GetMean method to execute, which, if this started with
- #2 above...
- 7) Causes the TMyObject.CalcMean to execute. Otherwise, the current value of
- FMean is returned.
- See how easy object programing is!
- ================================================================================
- While the amount of effort shown here is not warranted for this small amount of
- data and calulations, it can easily be seen that the structure of the program
- and object would not have to be changed much, even if the amount of data and
- calculations were to be greatly increased.
- It should also be noted that the program (the Main unit) itself mearly acts as
- an interface to the data and calculations (the ObjUnit). In Object-Speak, this
- means that the problem and interface domains are kept separate.
- ================================================================================
- 1) Enter text into the editbox labeled "String Text."
- 2) Enter one or more numbers into the memo labeled "Numbers," memo1.
- 3) Click "Add New Object to StringList." The contents of the memo are copied
- to the middle memo and the mean of the numbers is displayed below.
- 4) Repeat the above several times using different text and numbers.
- 5) Select an item from the listbox on the right. The memo associated with that
- object is displayed in the middle memo, along with its mean below.
- 6) Click "Delete Object." The object associated with the selected item in the
- listbox on the right is deleted.
- 7) Click "Calc." The mean of the numbers in the left memo are calculated and
- displayed.
- *)
- interface
- implementation
- end.